Foxing Now & Then

Foxing Now & Then

SKU: DVD-055

Foxing Now & Then

With The Warrener

Pat called his first fox when he was 13 years old over 60 years ago.

Pat made his living from selling fox pelts for over 20 years until the fur trade finished.

In the 1969/70 season Pat killed over 300 foxes in 6 months.

So much has changed over the past 60 years with fox control "and not for the better".

Back in Pat's early days of fox calling all he used for years was a 12 bore shotgun and good voice calling which he perfected to give him the edge. 

Now with modern night vision anyone can go out and kill foxes - no skill at all - now everybody is an Instant Expert.

Duration:- Approx 1 hr 53 mins.